Our Payroll Finance providers advance you the sum equivalent to the amount you need to pay wages, tax and national insurance over a specified number of months, typically two months.

The money that you would have spent on wages can then be retained as cash and spent as you see fit, with you repaying the loan, plus interest over an agreed timescale.

Payroll Finance is unsecured and can be used in tandem with other borrowing facilities.

You will be entering into a rolling agreement where the credit is available as and when you need it.

Thus, it is available as a safety net to provide finance when cash-flow problems threaten to arise. If you don’t need to borrow, you don’t have to use the facility.

Payroll finance is flexible – in the sense that it can be used as a safety net.

Contact us today via our online enquiry form for a confidential talk. We’ll show you a positive way forward.

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    The Aftersales Network – “We’ll show you a Positive way forward”